Net Connect 4

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  • Net Connect 4New!: An Unity / Visual Studio Community 2019 program available from the Microsoft Store, Version for 2 players, play via the internet or a LAN against each other!! English language used. NB: Each player across the Net should pay for his or her own instance of the software. So, there are two instances of the Program needed when playing Online. There is a workaround for this paying-both scheme though, when logging into the same Microsoft account on different devices before playing time starts, for instance when on a network at home, you only have to pay once, unless you have a Promo Code: then you pay nothing at all.
    Or play on 1 PC or MS Surface tablet with 2 Players, a different option.

  • Get to know your IP address for the outside world : send this via WhatsApp so your opponent can fill it in for Net Memory.NET (remote IP-address) or Net Four In A Row program. Also you may want to configure your MODEM for port-forwarding on port 1200.

    Your own Local IP address: you will find it by typing 'ipconfig' in CMD or the command-prompt for connecting in a LAN.

    Playing in a LAN (Local Area Network) or direct via an UTP-cable works somewhat different from playing on the WAN internet: The IP address to connect to ? You fill this in: you can get it by typing 'ipconfig' in CMD, the command-prompt. You can type CMD in the search field on Windows 10 on your taskbar. In CMD look carefully for 'Wireless LAN adapter Wi-Fi' if your connected via Wi-Fi.

    The IP address from your friend on the WAN: you will have to get it via WhatsApp e.g. from him/her. He/she can get it from : you have to send it to your opponent via WhatsApp of phone. There may be some MODEM settings necessary, see e.g. for KPN users the document : 'opmerkingen voor KPN gebruikers', in dutch. This method also requires a MODEM setting (port forwarding on port 1200-1201, on the range 1200 to 1201 or even higher, e.g. 1200-1202 is sufficient for the certainty of the port numbers, in connection with port forwarding on your IPv4 address, at home usually an address from the so-called private range). For the vast majority of the population for home use again!, see e.g. for KPN users the document: 'remarks for KPN users' and as described in the manual and test cases below.

    Net Connect 4

    User Guide & test cases

    with two (different) Modems for these internet Games. It's getting the connection right in the Net Memory Game Series and Net Connect 4 games.
    For the English language Area, use the Windows 10/11 language setting: English, GB.

    Send your considerations, experiences and advice regarding testcases 5-7: Send an email to my website

    The first requirement is that two computers, with two instances of the Software, have an internet connection. When you are Player #1 and Player #2, for example, on both your computers, WIFI should be On.
    There are multiple configurations possible like in a multiplayer (2 players) game !
    When making the Connection together, with 2 programs of the samen given Software title be aware of the fact you have to make that Connection quickly because after Clicking Connect there is a time out interval of 30 seconds waiting for the other to respond.
    Then try communicating for this verbally via phone or Whatsapp when doing this for making the Connection timed and right.

    Case #1

    [Connect]-ing two computers in a (Wireless) home network situation using KPN Modem Sagemcom box B12

    First you may want to know, when a connection is established between two instances of such a Net Connect 4 Game. You can touch, or click with your mouse, let's say 'teleport' Game Play Data like this, in the following manner:
    Player #1 turns on UPnP IGD in the KPN Sagemcom Experia box B12 Modem/Router. UPnP IGD must be enabled in the modem settings due to... the security ? It is possible for gaming according to the KPN (provider in the Netherlands) forum.
    Make a rule for a Net Connect 4 version in the Modem and make sure it is turned on.
    Save the just made changes.
    Let's say in this manner: you are Player #1, your friend Player #2.
    Then the rule: Player #1 is searching the host address of his or her computer for filling in the internal host in the Modem, using CMD.EXE (search field on your taskbar) & ipconfig.
    In a field after the words 'external host' of the Modem of Player #1, with Portforwarding, the IPV4 item should be recognized by an asterisk typographical symbol or star-shaped character: '*'.
    Confirm and Save the rule etc. And Log out out of the Modem. You have to do these Modem Settings only once. I shall state this only once. It applies every case throughout the following testcases or Manual descriptions.

    Next Player #1 is searching, using CMD Command-prompt and ipconfig the external host address next, this will Player #2 fill in in the inputfield of his or her or program later, see below.
    Then if the data in the Modem was saved, Player #2 touches or presses or clicks, with his or her mousepointer [Listen].
    Player #1 is typing in his or her inputfield on the screen with the keyboard the host IP address of computer 2 of Player #2. This IP address of his or her computer of which he/she should have been writing it down earlier, remembering it from a note or by head. It can be found in the Modem connected computer 2 (It is one from the private network addresses in the range, like for example in my case).
    Player #2 is typing in the inputfield on the screen of the program on computer 2, the external host IP address of Player #1 on computer 1 found. This IP address Player #1 should have been writing down earlier, remembering and telling it to Player #2, communicating for the purpose of making the Connection eventually later.
    Once [Enter] is touched or pressed with the mousepointer on both systems, Player #1 is counting 3..2..1.. & Player #1 touches or clicks with the mousepointer [Connect]. Shortly after this, within 1 or 2 sec. approximately later Player #2 should do the same. Mind the order of actions described, VPN off for both and the last clicking of [Connect] within the 30 seconds time out ? You did it.
    Result: Test Succeeded ! Connection established.

    Case #2

    [Connect]-ing the computer's Modem KPN Experia 10A Box over ADSL & the internet with your opponent (to an Provider Modem, for example): within a city. Out of that city, or (with)in any cities, towns or townships is expected to function properly typically or normally too:

    Let's say: you are Player #1, your opponent Player #2..
    Fill in the Modem with Poort forwarding, nieuw item (or existing item, while repeating the test/procedure), LAN Host : the host address of the internal host as acquired in the way of Case #1 in my case it is .. (use CMD.EXE & then ipconfig in order to get it again..)
    The rule for my opponent in his Modem remains the same like in previous testcase Case #1, as way ago was set for his Modem (some years ago for NetMemory.exe, I believe)..
    Next my opponent Player #2 is looking up his external IP host address via..
  • Get to know your IP-address for the outside world : this he/her will send via WhatsApp or phone, with next his/her opponent is able to fill in later in his/her inputfield of the Program (IPV4 address).
    ..and sends this to Player #1 by means of Whatsapp or rather (smart)phone.
    I as in Player#1, will look up my external host IP address as well and do the same..
    Player #1 is writing down the external host IP Address of Player #2, which he or she sended. The just acquired address via Whatsapp or phone, from Player #1 & is written down by Player #2, for using in a future game later likewise..
    Next both Players touch or click, with their mousepointers, [Listen] , while Whatsapp- or (smart)phone line or connection is open.
    Next both Players will fill in the acquired external host IP addresses from their opponents in the inputfields of their Programs for a kind of endpoint IP addresses purpose.
    Next both Players touch or click, with their mousepointers, [Enter] , while Whatsapp or (smart)phone connection remains open for the verification later..
    Next Player #1 counts 3..2..1.. and touches or clicks [Connect] , with his or her mousepointer.
    Next Player #2 will shortly later also touch or click [Connect], with his or her mousepointer (for instance a 1 à 2 sec period later)..
    My brother, Player #2 and me, Player #1 are playing at this time..
    My brother wins this first game, A Four In A Row version, as a test application.
    Result: test succeeds ! (Full duplex connection established).

    Success !

    Case #3

    [Connect]-ing the computer & KPN Modem Sagemcom box B12 over glassfiber cable and the internet with your opponent:
    Player #1, in Access Control-->Portforwarding--, is enabling UPnP IGD on the KPN Sagemcom Experia B12 Modem/Router again..

  • Let's say: you are Player #1, your opponent Player #2..
    Fill in the Modem with Poort forwarding, nieuw item (or existing item, while repeating the test/procedure), LAN Host : the host address of the internal host as acquired in the way of Case #1; in my case it is .. (use CMD.EXE & then ipconfig in order to get it again..)
    The following is essential: as I found in the page from the link above, the external host address remains empty and should be recognized as an asterisk: * later in the rule when saved & applied. Also turn this rule on if you made that rule before or if it was not turned on at this stage..
    The rule for my opponent in his Modem remains the same like in previous testcase Case #1, as way ago was set for his Modem (some years ago for NetMemory.exe, I believe)..
    Next my opponent Player #2 is looking up his external IP host address via..
  • Get to know your IP-address for the outside world : this he/her will send via WhatsApp or phone, with next his/her opponent is able to fill in later in his/her inputfield of the Program (IPV4 address).
    ..and sends this to Player #1 by means of Whatsapp or rather (smart)phone.
    I as in Player#1, will look up my external host IP address as well and do the same..
    Player #1 is writing down the external host IP Address of Player #2, which he or she sended. The just acquired address via Whatsapp or phone, from Player #1 & is written down by Player #2, for using in a future game later likewise..
    Next both Players touch or click, with their mousepointers, [Listen] , while Whatsapp- or (smart)phone line or connection is open.
    Next both Players will fill in the acquired external host IP addresses from their opponents in the inputfields of their Programs for a kind of endpoint IP addresses purpose.
    Next both Players touch or click, with their mousepointers, [Enter] , while Whatsapp or (smart)phone connection remains open for the verification later..
    Next Player #1 counts 3..2..1.. and touches or clicks [Connect] , with his or her mousepointer.
    Next Player #2 will shortly later also touch or click [Connect], with his or her mousepointer (for instance a 1 à 2 sec period later)..
    My brother, Player #2 and me, Player #1 are playing at this time..
    Result: test succeeds ! (Full duplex connection established).

    Success !

    Case #4

    [Connect]-ing two computers (this can be probably achieved over the WAN (internet) also). One with KPN MODEM Sagemcom Experia box B12 with a MS Windows tablet computer via fiber and Wi-Fi hotspot to the other, a laptop, through an Android 9 mobile smartphone in home network situation (in this way over the internet is working also to your family, Friend or aquaintance!) for inter-connecting the data of chips play to and from the tablet for the Game to a laptop instance of the Game:
    Make sure that your resolution is set in such away that all elements fall within the frame, and that there is no overlap between the input field and 'the blue rack' or any elements in the Four In A Row version.
    'Player #1', in Access Control-->Portforwarding--, has turned UPnP IGD on again in the KPN Sagemcom Experia box B12 Modem/Router..
    Create a separate rule for a Memory Game x game or a Four-in-a-Row version in the Modem in the manner described in Case #1.
    Create a hotspot on your mobile smartphone over WiFi & connect the computer /tablet of 'Player #2' via the mobile smartphone over WiFi, the smartphone itself serves as a Wifi point (e.g. temporarily during the procedure of building up a connection and while playing later)..
    Next my 'opponent', 'Player #2' is looking up his/her IP host address op via..
    Automatic [DHCP] was ON. An IP address from the: Private Network non-overlapping range on his or her device..
    Look into (i) on your hotspot on your computer or tablet. Of you click (i), Network and Internet will appear. There you'll find the IP4 Address of your hotspot to your mobile. Click (i) --> Network & Internet
    (here comes an image of device #2 of 'Player #2' screenshot)..
    'Player #1', I ,also look up my external host IP address, in the usual way via a website or the Modem.
    'Player #1' notes the external host IP Address of 'Player #2', which he or she receives via Whatsapp or phone from 'Player #2' & 'Player #2' notes that of 'Player #1', for later use.
    Both 'Players' press or click, with their mouse pointer, then on [Listen], while Whatsapp or phone line is open in a situation over the internet.
    Both 'Players' enter the external IP addresses, which they have previously obtained e.g. by telephone from their 'opponent', in the input field as an end point or end device address.
    Both 'Players' press [Enter] shortly after each other (the Whatsapp or telephone line remains open for verification later, in a situation over the internet)
    'Player #1' counts 3..2..1.. if he or she has pressed or clicked [Connect] with his or her mouse pointer.
    'Player #2' also presses or clicks [Connect] (with his/her mouse pointer) shortly afterwards, e.g. 1 to 2 seconds later.
    'Player #2' plays and Player #1 also plays..
    Result: test passed! Connection accomplished. Success.

    Good luck! NB this test was done by connecting two devices of my own and 'supposedly' playing.. (with myself as a test)

    Case #5

    [Connect]-ing two computers...using two 4G hotspots on two mobile smartphones; a private one for my laptop and a work one for my MS Surface tablet computer. It is a bit the same as in Case #4 then, First in an at Home Network situation.
    Remember Net Connect 4 is full screen, so you might want to adjust resolution to: for example 1920 x 1080 on the tablet so there is no overlap of some input field elements with the blue rack.
    WIFI is OFF on my smartphones, mobile data is ON to make an internet Network connection, of course.
    VPN is OFF on both computers and on my Smartphone(s). WIFI is ON on the computer or tablet of 'Player #1' and opponent; 'Player #2', both seperately connected to the two mobile hotspots.
    Then use the two IP addresses of the private internet addresses range: 192.168.***.***, which you can find in the CMD Command Prompt on your system, this is so for both Players, for typing in the Net Connect 4 program instances IP Address field elements on the systems.
    For now let the cursor in the inputfield on both computers just blink On & Off.
    Press [Listen] on the laptop computer only, for example, so on one side of the connection to be established. Then [Connect], quickly simultaneously with the two (tablet) computers, to then establish the connection between the two programs more or less at the speed of light, or if you like like a battle out of the blue, while a large black 'link' symbol appears on both systems, within a maximum of 30 seconds after each other to the ultimate goal: to establish a stable connection. Simultaneously on both systems, otherwise a time-out is possible.

    Case #6

    [Connect]-ing two computers...using WiFi hotspot ON mobile smartphone over the WAN (internet). A bit the same as in Case #4 ..
    WIFI is ON, on the Windows 10 laptop or MS Surface computer(-tablet) of 'Player #1' at side A of the connection to be made & at side B of the connection to be made WIFI is ON too, on a Windows computer or Windows Surface computer tablet.
    WIFI is ON on my mobile smartphone, with the hotspot ON.

    Case #7

    [Connect]-ing two computers...using 4G hotspot on mobile smartphone: it is a bit the same as in Case #6 then, but differently in the way it's over the internet (WAN) ..
    WIFI is OFF on my mobile smartphone. Hotspot is ON. Mobile data is ON logically.

  • Opmerkingen voor KPN gebruikers. Notes for KPN users in dutch.
    Link Icon made by Freepik from

    Winning Triumphal Fanfare sound is from big thanks to John Stracke (Attribution 3.0 License)

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